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Sexual Empowerment, Ecstasy, Full Body Orgasm, Enhanced Pleasure in Every Aspect of Your Sexuality
Celebrating the Divine Masculine Energies
Our Tantra Healing Energy products awaken man's natural capacity for moving sexual energy, experiencing ecstasy, and full body orgasm. Subtle energy pathways travel into full body orgasm and enhance higher states of consciousness. Experiencing these products is a revelation and a sexual 'miracle' because they help a man last longer and diminish the need for genital release through ejaculation.
Ultra-Spheres for Ultra Pleasure
The revolutionary, one-of-a-kind Tachyonized Ultra-Spheres take a man's sexual pleasure, and his partner's, to new heights. Placed inside the anus, Ultra-Spheres bring about prostate healing, release tension, and eliminate old trauma trapped in the anus while at the same time enhancing much more sensitivity and pleasure in the entire genital area. The prostate gland, felt through the walls of the anus, once liberated from tension, is capable of bringing about enhanced pleasure to every aspect of a man's sexuality.
By inserting Ultra-Spheres a man experiences greatly enhanced sexual pleasure. And so will she. For a powerful boost to your sexual pleasure use Ultra-Spheres when making love with your intimate partner. Don't be surprised when she's blown away by the exquisite potency she feels emanating from your lingham and pelvic area. Ultra-Spheres expand your capacity for orgasmic joy while also expanding your auric field. Ultra-Spheres also support men who are practicing conserving semen and attaining full body orgasm. Ultra-Spheres for ultra pleasure.
Tachyonized Men's Sexual Tonic supports every aspect of male sexual health.
The Enhancer product boosts the libido. It is a gentle yet powerful energy enhancer. On a hot date, dancing the night away, romancing over dinner, use this safe and effective herbal high. (When the high wears off you'll float back to your normal energy levels with no negative side effects whatsoever.)