Feminine Health
Tantra is a nurturing approach to life. Tantra honors the body as the abode of the divine. An integral attitude of Tantra is to love the body as God or Goddess, an expression of spirit in matter. This loving attitude means that Tantric people are very conscious and aware of what we put into our body, both physically and mentally.
To be healed is a state of wholeness in body, mind and soul as harmonious aspects of one unified being. Dis-ease happens when one or more of our facets are in a state of disharmony. Coming back to a state of ‘ease’ offers the milieu where healing can happen easily and naturally. Tachyon products harness source energy to bring about a dynamic equilibrium in body, mind and soul. With Tachyon, you can liberate yourself from pain, stress, and other factors that create imbalance. Our body remembers how to be in a state of health and well-being. When the body is healthy, bliss is our natural state.